I had an unforgettable time with Glanzmann Tours in the Yukon and in Alaska. These two weeks changed my life! Even today, 3 weeks back home, all of these deep impressions pop regularly in my mind and bring a smile to my face: Bald Eagles soaring almost weightless in the sky or battling over salmon carcasses on the river flats; my first sighting of a Grizzly in Klukshu Village; the stunning and wild landscape or, last but not least, the northern lights on a freezing winter night. Sometimes at night, drifting off to sleep, I’m convinced to hear the whistle of the Eagles or the howl of the Huskies. Thanks a lot to Beat and Eva for the warm-hearted hospitality, the professional support with photographic skills and for showing me the beauty of the wild nature in this part of the world. I hope you keep on living your dreams and your passion!!
feedback and photos by Daniel Sabathy